What’s Up, BnA?

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Close for Some Time

Lots of web troubles going on as of late. Looks like BootsnAll, the site through which I have my blog, decided to do some upgrades. And, as a result, my blog no longer has formatting.

Talked to a guy at support, and he said the site looks the same to him. Am I the only one seeing a completely different look in my browser?

Anyway, I can’t concentrate on writing until the technical kinks get fixed. I could tinker with the templates myself, but I’m a little short of time these days: Yoga and Hindi classes this week.


  1. I’ve only been coming here for a short time, but it appears the same to me. Maybe the css wasn’t working?

  2. hi. not sure if you are online today at all, but i’m having a few foreign girls over this evening for a little mehendi party if you would like to join us. around 5pm. email me your phone and i’ll call you and give directions. would love to finally meet you!

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