Miss Adventures


This year I resolve to: -Write more and tweet less -Get to know people and not just avatars -Take the time each day to step outside and away from my desk -Exercise more / return to yoga -Start finding answers instead of only asking questions -Send at least one postcard or letter through snail mail…

Photo: Ad Depicts Bradley Manning as ‘Whistleblower’ and ‘Hero’

Photo: Ad Depicts Bradley Manning as ‘Whistleblower’ and ‘Hero’

Here’s the kind of thing you only see in Washington, DC. I saw this ad going into a Metro Station. It depicts Bradley Manning, the soldier behind the Wikileaks documents about the U.S. wars in Iraq in Afghanistan, as a whistleblower, hero, and patriot. The group behind the ad is the Bradley Manning Support Network…


Worth Your Time: Abandoned Cuban Ballet School, Erotic Books, Turkey’s Golden Age of Spying

  Plan for Cuban Ballet School a Dance of Art, Politics — “…the school’s original structures are intact, a dazzling swirl of red brick shapes and huge domelike Catalonian vaults set against the lush green jungle. The winding corridors, stairways and sightlines come together in a cascade of twists and graceful curves, like music turned…

Bikini Atoll: Site of One of History’s Most Infamous Science Experiments

“Bikini is paradise again, but with an asterisk.” via Bikini Atoll: Site of One of History’s Most Infamous Science Experiments This fascinating long read from Outside Magazine’s S.C. Gwynne follows the story of Alson Kelen, a native of Bikini Atoll, site of the most famous nuclear bomb test in the world. ___ Please note I’m…